The most promising Pope candidates part I: Peter Turkson

Cardinal Turkson: The “conscience of the Church”

The 64-year-old president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Peter Turkson, is considered sophisticated, still down to earth. He could become the first Pope of the African continent.

Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson Kodowo has a good chance to become the new spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He even commented in a press conference: “If God would wish to see a black man also as pope, thanks be to God.” Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace since 2009, and the Vaticans “Minister of Social Affairs”, is also considered the “conscience of the Church.” Airs and graces are alien to the Cardinal. The people-friendly cleric acts always friendly and relaxed, even if his appointment schedule may suggest otherwise.


Turkson was born in Nsuta-Wassaw, Ghana, on October 11 1948, and grew up in a confessionally mixed family with nine brothers and sisters. His mother was a Evangelical-Methodist vegetable retailer, his father of Catholic Carpenter and his uncle a Muslim. He points this fact out against the criticism to have published an anti-Islamic video.

He first studied theology in his home country, later in New York and Rome, where he took his doctoral degree in biblical studies. In 1992, after years as a Professor of theology, he became Archbishop of Cape Coast. Since 1997, Turkson belongs to the Pontifical Commission for the dialogue between Methodists and Catholics. He speaks six languages.

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Bookmakers odds on the new Pope

Traditionally, British bookmakers offer bets on who will be the new Pope. While the largest British boomaker William Hill sees Cardinal Secretary of State Tarciso Bertone (Italy) in a lead with a quote of 9/4, Irish bookie Paddypower has Curial Cardinal Peter Turkson (Ghana) ahead with 2/1.  However, quotes change daily if not hourly!

UPDATE: William Hill is no longer offering bets on the new Pope!

With the General Congregations on the way, there is about 10 Cardinals that can be called most “papabile”. Candidates from Africa have good chances, but also churchmen from the Americas can hope. Or will it be yet again an Italian?

These are some of the favored candidades by British bookmakers:


Archbishop Angelo Scola, 71, Italy

Milan’s Archbishop Angelo Scola got entrusted with the management of the populous archdiocese by Benedict XVI. in 2011. He was a close friend of John Paul II, and after his death a contender for the Pope’s successor. The 71-year-old  commented  vaguely on Benedict’s resignation: “It will be, as he himself has said, for the good of the Church.” “It’s a decision that fills our soul with pain and regret.”, said the Archbishop.

As the Roman “Fatto Quotidiano” reported, Angelo Scola was one of Joseph Ratzinger’s students in Freiburg (Germany) and later in Milan taught no less than Silvio Berlusconi, as well as his political companion now convicted of mafia links Marcello dell’ Utri. His friendship with the founder of the world wide active, in Italy very influential Catholic movement “Communione e Liberazione” (“Community and Liberation”), Don Giussani, has caused concerne within the Church. “Communion and Liberation” is close to Berlusconi’s PdL party and is suspected of bribe payments in connection with the Vatileaks affair. Last year, Scola distanced himself from the movement.

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Deadline for Conclave: Vatican wants earlier Pope-election

The conclave to choose the successor to Pope Benedict XVI. may take place earlier than previously announced. The Cardinals have plenty of time, even before 15 To arrive in March, said a Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi. The verfication process whether this is in accordance with the Vatican’s Constitution is underway.


Rome – Originally, the conclave to choose the successor to Pope Benedict XVI. was scheduled for March 15 – perhaps it is already held earlier. The Vatican constitution was under exemination to whether this is possible, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said in Rome.

Pope Benedict XVI. earlier this week announced his withdrawal from the Holy See at the end of the month. The successor  should be assigned before Easter. Normally, the conclave, the gathering of cardinals eligible to vote, meet 15 to 20 days after the beginning of the interregnum (“empty chair of Peter”).

The period of 15 days will make sure that the cardinals from around the world have plenty of time to get there, but the Cardinals already knew that Benedict’s pontificate was ending on February 28, and have enough time to check in. The rules of the Vatican allowed room for interpretation., and this issue is currently being discussed.

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