An insight into the Papal Conclave 2013

The Pope election rules of the Roman Catholic Church regulate the Conclave to the smallest detail – including the nature of the ballot. Although black or white smoke are not mentioned.

“The ballots must be rectangular and must contain if possible in the upper half of the printed form the words: Eligo in Summum Pontificem, while the lower half must remain free to write the name of the selected here.” So it is written in section 65 of the Apostolic Constitution “Universi Dominici Gregis” of Pope John Paul II, the Pope’s election regulations currently in effect for the Conclave.

papal-ballotPapal voting card

But not only the nature of the ballot is regulated in detail. The Pope election rules dating back to 1996, which were changed in one point by Benedict XVI in 2007, contain some strict provisions, which go far beyond the election process itself.

The Dean of the College of Cardinals shall preside at the election, unless he is over 80 and thus no longer eligible to vote. In this case, he will be replaced by the Vice-Dean. If he is also over 80, the oldest of the highest ranking Cardinals takes over. This scenario will occur in the current conclave. Dean Angelo Sodano and Subdean Roger Etchegaray are over 80, so the 79-year-old retired Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops Giovanni Battista Re will take over the presidency of the conclave.

Room distribution by lot

During the conclave, the cardinals will reside in the premises of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the guest house of the Vatican. The rooms are – mandatory by the electoral law – allocated by lottery. In addition to the Cardinals a few more people are involved, who need to swear under oath their ‘obligation to secrecy’. These include, among others, “two doctors for emergencies”, “some religious priests of different languages ​​for confession” and “an appropriate number” of people “for service and cleaning.”

What happens behind the doors of the Sistine Chapel, is to stay there. The Electoral Code provides a number of steps to prevent eavesdropping.

sistine-chapelSistine chapel

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Competition for the production of the new Pope robe

Rome is puzzled since days who will make the robe for the successor to Benedict XVI. Two Roman “clergy tailors” are in the race for this prestigious job.

The family Gammarelli, that dresses the Cardinals at the Vatican since 1793, and the younger rival Euroclero, who supplied  Josef Ratzinger with robes during his 20 years as a Curial Cardinal, and to whom Benedict has remained loyal in his years as Pope.


Sizes small, medium and large

The tailor shop that receives the order from the Vatican must make three complete Pope robes until the beginning of the conclave – in sizes small, medium and large. Because it is unclear what stature the new Pontiff will have, several vestments must be sewn. As of this writing the story is told in Rome about John XXIII., the “good Pope,”: the full-bodied Italian looked like a “sausage” in his too-tight suit. Before he appeared on the Loggia of St. Peter’s after the “Habemus papam” in 1958, the back seam had to be unstitched. Each Pope robe includes also a hat, cape, sash, cassock, red shoes and a whole lot more.

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Pope Benedict XVI received with cheers and applause

Pope thanks the faithful

Two days after his historic resignation announcement, the Pope showed up publicly on Wednesday again. He thanked the faithful for prayers and great sympathy. “I have felt  love for me the  in these days”, said the outgoing head of the church in a short speech before the General Audience in Rome.

Benedict reiterated the reasons which led to his decision. The decision was made in “full freedom” for the good of the Church, Benedict stressed before thousands of faithful in the Nervi Hall. He had become aware that he could no longer continue papacy with the necessary power.

“Continue to pray for the Pope and the Church”

He had decided to resign, “long after I prayed and examined my conscience before God. I am aware of the gravity of this process, but at the same time I realize that I am no longer in a position to exercise the Petrine ministry with the power that demands it”, the Pope said.

He is encourage by the certainty that the Church belongs to Christ, who never lacked guidance and care. “I thank everyone for the love and prayer with which they have been with me. Continue to pray for the Pope and for the Church! I felt the power of prayer in those for me physically challenging days, “the Pope said.

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